Assignment #28 from the Learning to Love You More website: Look through a friend or relative's photo album. Choose a single page that includes details that you find interesting. Take a piece of solid-colored paper that fits over the entire album page and cut holes in the paper that reveal details of the pictures. These details can be parts of people's bodies, their pets, a cake, a poster, anything you find visually intriguing. These holes should be small, just isolating the details, with holes that are the shape of the thing you are isolating…
I found a scrapbook of my grandmother's, with pictures of grandfather, Robert C. Williams. He was a true Victorian self-made man: forced to leave school in the fifth grade, he continued to educate himself throughout his life, and one always associated him with books and libraries. He took advantage of the era's many self-help books, and taught himself accounting, proper handwriting, grammar, and all the behaviors that benefited the white-collar gentleman. I thought a plain piece of paper was a little boring, so I used the frontispiece of one of my grandfather's books, and "cut" the holes out in Photoshop. I loved the pipe, the golf knickers, and most of all the desk in his office where he could put his feet up, like a successful young accountant.
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