Assignment: Using an artwork found and purchased at a thrift store or garage sale as your starting point, create a new work of photo montage entirely from appropriated imagery from magazines or books of your choice.
I found an "original oil painting"of the Arc de Triomphe at the dollar store. It was one of those assembly line creations where a group of painters paint the same section over and over and then hand it on to another painter who adds another element. It was so bad it was ludicrous, which seemed appropriate for what I was probably going to produce. So I went for "ludicrous" full bore, and had a blast. Except for the inability of the glue to stick to the oil surface, it was an exercise in delight for me. I just hope that the oil painting wasn't produced in a sweatshop or third-world prison where workers who don't meet a quota are beaten. There is, unfortunately, a possibility that this could be all too true.
A technical note: sometimes embroidery scissors work where an X-acto knife won't.
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